The day after( wards off ) tomorrow??
I feel too perplexed from the differences arising between two days - Sunday and Monday.Apart from their spellings, the earlier day was a testament to the fact that there was scope for mirth and what today's youth refer to as fun.
Ananth, Venki and myself met up at Chennai's favourite hangout - Spencer Plaza.
We guys decided to go to the only place where it is meaningful to spend time in Spencer Plaza which is the famous Landmark.As usual we went to the books section and started skimming through various new arrivals as well as old ones.It is perhaps, right to say that we three shared this favourite pass time.Ofcourse, most visitors to Landmark do the same - Searching for something unknown which when they would see they would know.
The first book that caught my eye was 'The unauthorised guide to the da vinci code'(I guess the title was something like that, not too sure anyway).There were certain things I hadn't seen such as The Louvre museum, Saint Sulpice Church, Madonna of the rocks and so on.Then I moved on to another book and then another and so on.There was one more interesting book that is worth mentioning whose title went something like - 'Events that shook the world' which had pictures from very important events in world history and subsequent explanations.
After being at Landmark for about three hours we decided to nibble something at 'Calcutta chaat corner' where I had a mouth-watering pani poori and then a sweet kachori chaat.We then once again went inside Landmark, this time only to find ourselves in the gaming section.I must admit that I don't have much of a craze for computer games as my computer is very cooperative with respect to supporting most of the specifications which computer games specify these days.But Ananth and Venki were all game.
These two guys then in a maniacal rush for some computer game raised the idea of going to Richie Street, which lies only a little away from Spencer's.Somehow this idea didn't seem very good to me.But the guys wanted to get to Richie Street so urgently, as though the nearest lavatory was open only there.So I cooperated with their plan and all three of us set off on foot to Richie Street.
Guess what? Richie Street's most shops were closed as it was a Sunday.
By now I was mad at these guys for getting me to come all the way from Spencer's.Now on the way back to the bus stand someone amongst those two suggested we get in to 'The Higginbothams', which I don't quite remember as to who.So we got into this legendry book shop and let ourselves wander through.After about 20 minutes I gave up and was feeling very tired (due to lack of sleep early in the morning).So I prestigiously took a seat on the stairway and showed the white flag.After another 20 minutes the guys finally considered my plea and we walked out.
By now I must admit that I was somewhat restless and was behaving quite odd with PJs of the poorest kind.Somehow after bidding goodbyes to my friends I got back to being sane.Then I took a bus and came home and dozed off.
The day was all nice and fun except for my weariness which as I mentioned earlier was due to lack of sleep.I guess my friends had fun too.Atleast if not fun, we were occupied and had found a nice way of whiling away our time, after a long time.
But today was all different.Today my fu***n*(ny!) college reopened and as expected it got me all bugged up.Just imagine professors writing the subject code on the board followed by the name of the subject.I mean, is it really necessary to write the subject code? And I felt like a helpless MR who was listnening to lecture, with no reaction other than a stare at the professor's pupil, deep into the abyss, realizing my existence as a victim of the new university order(new world order??).But then there were other professors who were gracious enough to just write the subject code, title and then leave us to do our own work.
So there it is, another semester repeating itself in its own mundane way with different subjects.
I was jittering after a long time today, when the news about the placement workshop that was scheduled for this weekend, was being announced.The realization dawned on me that it was for real that companies would be coming to the college to test and recruit(hopefully) this playful and lazy student - me!!The announcement was also coupled with taunting conditions like "Remember!You should not have any arrears."Statements like that and others hit me and once again got my brain working on the odds of clearing the papers attempted in the recent exams.
The placement workshop it seems is all about making you well equipped in areas like - GD, personal interview(PI) and stress management.Added to that there was this news that you'd be videographed during the mock personal interview and the results would be played to the cordially invited guests like other students and your mistakes rectified in public.Is that really necessary?Playing the video in public would be injurious and any damn moron can identify his obvious mistakes.But fate it seems would rub more salt and would make you feel for the way you gave your mock(ery fun for all) interview.
Anyways with way things are going I guess I would be informing Peter Vidal that tough days are ahead for all Capris(since it includes me).If those predictions go well, we'll have a successful astrologer in the making, if not, we'll have a not-so-good software programmer programming his way to glory, whatever that might be.God save us all and me(now isn't that twice....but I need it desparately).
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