Jus like that
Some four to five days ago there lay a sick dog on the way to entering our apartments.It had apparently done some kind of a dirty work on the way and it was all stinking.I wouldn't mind to say that the dog had shitted all over the place, but this was not that, it was something else.But it stinked big time.So I avoided the usual main entrance and started using the other french door entrance to my house.Everyone in my house followed the new route for their entries and exits.So the dog lay their for two or may be three days.I guess it was infected with rabies or something.Then two days later since nobody in our apartments seemed to bother the sick dog, it kind of shifted itself to outside the gate.It lay there again for one or two days I guess.Then today morning, the dog somehow realised that it won't get any attention from anyone and moved out to some other place, I don't know where.Probably it went somewhere where folks from our apartments wouldn't care to move around.Anyways thats today's trivia for all you people.You can kind of put under Did you know sections if you'd like to.But you need my permission, cos I hold the copyright for this stuff.
Anyways that explained to me the essence of the saying 'Let sleeping dogs lie'.But do sick dogs really lie? That'll be another trivia, which I'll answer for my readers sometime later I guess.And by the way if you can catch some sick dogs lying please report to me.It could be quite helpful for my thesis.
So after that sick dog stuff, I guess I'll tell you something about fellow people.Every one of my relatives have this habit of droping me a line whenever they visit like "Hey you've gone down pretty bad!" or "Hey you've lost lots of weight!" or something like that.Nowadays even my friends i.e. alumini from J.G.V.V drop such lines and do not spare me.As far as I can remember, I have never gained weight ever since age 7.But I haven't lost any either.So that must set my weight at somewhere around 534g.I have kind of maintained my figure throughout shall we say.But the way people are making such comments, I guess one day I'll run out of real gas in my body and it will shrink, shrink and shrink till I become invisible.But I guess even then people won't spare me I guess.They'd probably come up with a line like "Hey you've lost your form!" or something such sort.And then I would give a reply like "Yeah I'm kind of invisible, but good work you managed to notice me!".Don't know really when I'll be spared of such concerns.
Alright now lets let go people and their hackneyed comments.Today while reading 'The New Indian Express' I noticed a kind of story or a saying or a quote( I actually don't know what to call it ).I was kind of impressed by that dialogue, so thought I could share it with you.Guess it makes some kind of sense to you or stirs up some thought within you.I guess it makes up for the other two paragraphs.I don't remember the verbatim but goes something like this -
"Sir, I exist!" said a man belligerently to the universe."However" said the universe "that does not instigate the sense of obligation within me."
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