Feeling Incredible
A biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggg "Hi" to all of you guys in the blogosphere.Its been quite a long time since I have made a post.I was dying to make posts but a turn of an untoward incident knotted my hands invisibly.But now I am back and it feels great to type out my mind in this space provided.
There have been a lot of changes at Blogspot since I made the last '16 things' post.One significant change is the introduction of the 'Recover post' option for people who feel bugged and feel like they have just listened to a corny joke from me.This option is to enable bloggers to "Re-cover" their post just in case people didn't read them.I was obviously joking and hell, find it out for yourself if you want to know what that option is there for.Another thing that caught my eye was the topic in the 'Blogger News' section about 'Bloggercising'.The news reads as follows:
"Not sure if you knew this already or not but we've got a couple different styles of Blogger tee shirts in the Googlestore. One of them looks like an old gym shirt—good for doing exercising between posts. Highly recommended for active bloggers.
– Biz "
WTF was that news for, is what I don't understand.And the last change is that I was finally able to upload my mirror-cracking pic in blogspot.Alright alright now shut that giggle up.So if you're checking my profile next time at Blogger, beware....Forewarned is forearmed.
So after the enough of gala time that I was having for the past three months, with the much cherished memories of exams and all, I landed at Shivi's house at Adyar yesterday and later shifted to KR's after dinner at Dhabba Express I was dabbling with KR's comp.Our man played some (looney) tunes in his guitar and showed me his new composition.It was good, to be honest.Any new solo that KR has composed has been bearable, not decomposable.Now I don't know how good it really is, cos me is no expert in scales and soloing part of guitar.I just like to listen to the strum of it and the reverberation it produces.So how looney the tune was - I don't know.But I'll stop talking about guitars right away for, otherwise I will want to stick the finger at myself. So we won't take that risk.
Then our man suggested that we watch Godfellas.But I was not in mood for gangsta-movies and so I said no straight away.Then we settled it that we'd watch The Incredibles.Now I thought it might be some corny animation movie.But no, this wasn't like that.It did have the corny theme - Superheroes save the day.But only this movie can make you laugh, if not atleast giggle for the expressions siphoned out of the otherwise inanimate characrters.Man, they were so real.You couldn't find a flaw or a hitch anywhere.Flawless! You can see the shadows, the dust going up when Dash runs in the forest, the frustration in Bob Parr/Mr.Incredible's face, the coyness in Vi's face, the concern in Helen Parr/Elastigirl's face, the naughty-schoolboyishness in Dash's face and the wickedness in Buddy/Syndrome's face, brilliant waterfalls, and oh-so-incredible locations and the unforgettable expressions brought out in Jack-Jack's face.Every detail is THERE baby, and you end up feeling sad at the end of the movie that these guys don't exist for real.I won't tell you the story, cos the movie ought to be seen.The movie, as most animation movies are made was produced by PIXAR, the mother of animation movies.PIXAR, if I remember right, were the first ones to provide a breakthrough in the medical field by developing 3-D aspect of animation, due to which bones and lots of other important stuff could be analysed in the human body.Guess, this is what developed concepts of CT-scan and MRI and such other FART scans.

Just had a ball of a time watching the movie and replayed some parts today morning and enjoyed them with the same animation.This movie is kick-ass-incredible.
After dilly-dallying my start of travel back home for some time, by noon I started off from KR's place and reached home.Man, one heck of a week.Just wanted to post.Feeling incredible.Enjoy & Think!
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