In da Fight Club
Yesterday, after a long time, I was in KR's house for watching Fight Club, an amazing movie.I was there along with Spang, Shivi and Shyam, each of whom helped me understand dialogues when I couldn't correlate the visual and audio components of the movie.My thanks to them.Enough is enough, lets get to the movie.
Fight Club, the title first made me feel that I was in for seeing a movie like Mortal Kombat where the fighters kick each other's @$$ and earn a lot of pride and confidence among their peers and viewers and advance to the next level, and finally to the finals to win after a long struggle.Fight Club is no such shit.You'll probably say WTF is so different after I tell you about it and probably realize how different and beautiful the movie is, after watching it for yourself.Well, I am not going to tell you much, cos I want my readers to enjoy the movie as you'll be in for a surprise at around 15 minutes before the movie ends.However, the ending according to me was poor and made us all laugh.
The movie is based on a novel written by Chuck Palahniuk, who received some award for this novel - Fight Club.In the story, there is an unnamed person who is completely stressed out with his job as a person who evaluates recalls of damaged cars for an unnamed car company.In addition to this, he is also a chronic insomniac.So on the advice of his doctor he goes to support group of men who have testicular cancer, where people cry out their feelings and let go of their stress.So as he too cries, although not a testicular cancer victim along with the other members of the group to help himself out from stress.As a result, he is able to sleep well.Later he notices a woman named Marla Singer who he recognizes as a fake patient, just as himself, due to whose disturbing presence he isn't able to cry, and so slips back into insomnia.He meets her and says that he'll expose her, in return to which she says that she too can return the same coin.So after some time during his business travels he meets a person named Tyler Durden in a flight and stikes up a coverstaion with him.He learns that Tyler is a smart person who makes soaps, and is quite cool on the outside.After the journey, when he comes home he realizes that his condo is set to fire by some arsonist.Unable to decide anything, he goes into a bar where he once again bumps into Tyler.Outside the bar Tyler offers him an accomodation in his dilapidated house.Tyler also asks the narrator to punch him right on the face, thereby providing him a way to vent out his frustrations and stress.This brawl without anger is what leads to creation of a fight club.Fight club later becomes the home to many stressed out and disillusioned people who fight it out every day of the week, just to free themselves.This post will be a spoiler if I delve any more into the story.So will stop with this.

The movie is directed by David Fincher, who has done an crafted piece well worth watching.The screenplay is quite captivating and is handled with same style by Jim Uhls.The story as mentioned earlier is by the gen-x writer Chuck Palahniuk.The unnamed, stressed out, disillusioned narrator is well played by Edward Norton.Tyler Durden - Mr.Cool, charming and the well-built personality is played well by Brad Pitt, so much so that you'll start loving Brad Pitt though you are a male.The lady who plays the haywire Marla Singer is Helena Carter.Guess these are the only people worth mentioning in the movie.
I'll leave you with the rules of Fight Club which are as follows -
- You do not talk about fight club.
- You do not talk about fight club.
- If someone says "stop," goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.
- Only two guys to a fight.
- One fight at a time.
- No shirts, no shoes.
- Fights go on as long as they have to.
- If this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight.
Guess I violated the first rule itself!! So who's gonna hit me?
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